Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fame Kills-Or Not...

So it would seem that in the aftermath of Kanye West’s/Swifts Fiasco people are boycotting tickets to Kanye West’s/Lady Gaga’s Fame Kills tour. TMZ is reporting that due to Kanye’s outbreak ticket sales have been slow and this is causing tension to rise between both parties. While Lady Gaga states that the decision was mutual to cancel the fame kills tour, she adds that she will soon be leaving on a solo tour. Mean while Kanye is expected to take time off as Lady Gaga adds in her interview. I cant believe that the Swift Incident at the VMAS would have set his ticket sales that far behind. Most people, Swift fans, are pissed-off at Kanye West right now; So Kanye West is cancelling his tour? Yes the tour is canceled, yet there is no evidence that it is due to the Swift incident. From what I can see Kanye is stressed out and is just taking some time out.
I don’t think that people have actually stopped to think, and taken into consideration that Kanye West has been pulling in big numbers in these past few years. Just two years ago on September 11th Kanye West debuted his album Graduation. This marked a significant moment in the Hip-Hop industry because 50 Cent also debuted his album Curtis. The double release caused tension between both artists as well as in the Hip-Hop community. By selling almost a million copies in only the first six days, West outsold his opponent by more than 300,000 records, 50 Cent who fell short of his own expectations and brought in 691,000 sales. As stated in the Billboards Kanye West also a record when he sold 133,000 digital albums.

Gaga stated a week ago in her interview, "We did not do this tour for each other," she added. "We did this tour for everybody else. We wanted to do something that no one has ever seen”. It seems that Gaga was more than looking forward to kicking-off her fame kills tour, which would have been on November 10th in Phoenix, Arizona. Lady-Gaga also states when referring to Kanye west "He's really shown me a lot, as a friend — like creatively planning it with him. It's all about the fans for him. We were making the stage and he was like, we can't put these side panels here because if we [do], these people can't see and that's not fair. He was like, 'I'm not selling a ticket to a fan who can't see the show,' and he's right." After hearing these statements I cannot believe that both Kanye West and Lady-Gaga would both mutually agree to cancel their tour.

In an interview with Jay Leno, West states that he is sorry that his hurt, referring to his mother’s death in 2007, has led him to hurt other people. West goes on and explains how he never really took the time out to get over his mothers death and that he was going to take time out to reflect on how he was going to live the rest of his life. West seem extremely emotional when speaking about his feelings towards his mother and towards what he felt he could have done different. Some may say that he is Kanye, trying to make up for what he did, or maybe even do this to promote sales. However I believe that Kanye West did not want to cope with his mother’s death, so he kept his mind occupied with music and work, and he never (or maybe forgot) to take the time out and reflect on what had happened to his mother.

Kanye West Sold Out
I guess many people don’t stop to look at the evidence in front of them and jump into conclusions, while others blindly follow the media. People are missing the point, Kanye West was already planning on taking some time due to what he felt emotionally. I see it as this was a wake up call for Kanye West from the nation. I believe the Kanye realized he was actually wrong and wanted to take time out and re-arrange his goals. It couldn't have been due to ticket sales, even if Kanye West lost half of his fans, the rest of them would still be there watching him.

1 comment:

  1. You make a lot of good points, but Kayne still is, and always has been, a real shit sandwich in my book.

    Two years ago, he somehow managed to score a main stage at Bonnaroo (4 day music festival in Tennessiee). He was scheduled to come on stage an hour after Pearl Jam finished at midnight. He waited until every other act in entire venue finished before he walked on stage so he could be the only artist performing... at 4:27 am I kid you not. He somehow managed to piss off 90,000 stoned, rolling, tripping hippies for an entire weekend. Now THAT'S dick accomplishment to be proud of.
