Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Closer Look

I Grab my keys before I walk out the door to realize I don't have my books. Speeding through traffic, looking out for cops, I pull up to the spot so my car stops. My eyes are blood-shot and its hard to keep them open. It's 10:45 and I've been awake longer than I've slept. Procrastination is to blame. Im back at USF after taking spring semester off. I hoped to accomplish some personal goals during this past spring but due to a unfortunate series of events that time was lost. It seems like I've been trying to get my life back on track since January  1st in vain. Through out my educational career my only goal, which at the time seemed impossible, was to continue my education at a University. I'm here, so now what? I'm at the point of life where I am faced with multiple options, decisions, consequences, that will inevitably change my life. It feels like the pressure to succeed at life becomes greater every day, don't want to let them down, don't want to let myself down. I guess life doesn't come with a manual because I've been trying to find route and I can't find it. living life without a plan, one day at a time, hoping the cards I've been dealt are enough to make it by. In the mean time I just take flight and turn on the Music. Music melts my stress and helps me to progress, I just want to live life without regrets.


  1. I'm not sure what your blog is about. Music? I empathize with your situation from this particular post though. I've been there. I just hope you get your shit together quicker than I did. It's only taken me 6 years to crawl back this far. But, no regrets, right? Not a chance.

  2. Isn't it weird how music can have so much meaning to a person? I relate to songs and lyrics by putting my own life in the words they use. What I think is cool is how people can have different understandings to a song than other people. It's what we are going through that makes the song meaningful.
